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Global styles

Mantine components do not depend on any global styles, however to help you build your own components @mantine/core exports GlobalStyles and NormalizeCSS components.


NormalizeCSS adds normalize.css global styles with normalize-jss, to use it add NormalizeCSS component at any place of your application:

import { MantineProvider, NormalizeCSS } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
return (
<NormalizeCSS />
<YourApp />


GlobalStyles component will help you work with dark color scheme, it sets body styles:

  • background color to theme.colors.dark[7] in dark color scheme and theme.white in light
  • color to theme.colors.dark[0] in dark color scheme and theme.black in light
  • font-family and font-smoothing based on theme

GlobalStyles must be included only once and rendered inside MantineProvider:

import { MantineProvider, GlobalStyles } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
return (
<GlobalStyles />
<YourApp />
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