
Display list of events in chronological order


New branch
You've created new branch fix-notifications from master
2 hours ago
You've pushed 23 commits to fix-notifications branch
52 minutes ago
Pull request
You've submitted a pull request Fix incorrect notification message (#187)
34 minutes ago
Code review
Robert Gluesticker left a code review on your pull request
12 minutes ago
<Timeline active={1} bulletSize={24} lineWidth={2}>
<Timeline.Item bullet={<GitBranchIcon size={12} />} title="New branch">
<Text color="dimmed" size="sm">You&apos;ve created new branch <Text variant="link" component="span" inherit>fix-notifications</Text> from master</Text>
<Text size="xs" style={{ marginTop: 4 }}>2 hours ago</Text>
<Timeline.Item bullet={<GitCommitIcon size={12} />} title="Commits">
<Text color="dimmed" size="sm">You&apos;ve pushed 23 commits to<Text variant="link" component="span" inherit>fix-notifications branch</Text></Text>
<Text size="xs" style={{ marginTop: 4 }}>52 minutes ago</Text>
<Timeline.Item title="Pull request" bullet={<GitPullRequestIcon size={12} />} lineVariant="dashed">
<Text color="dimmed" size="sm">You&apos;ve submitted a pull request<Text variant="link" component="span" inherit>Fix incorrect notification message (#187)</Text></Text>
<Text size="xs" style={{ marginTop: 4 }}>34 minutes ago</Text>
<Timeline.Item title="Code review" bullet={<CommentDiscussionIcon size={12} />}>
<Text color="dimmed" size="sm"><Text variant="link" component="span" inherit>Robert Gluesticker</Text> left a code review on your pull request</Text>
<Text size="xs" style={{ marginTop: 4 }}>12 minutes ago</Text>

Line and bullet props

You can control timeline appearance with following props:

  • active – index of current active element, all elements before this index will be highlighted with color
  • color – color from theme that should be used to highlight active items, defaults to theme.primaryColor
  • lineWidth – controls line width and bullet border, value is in px
  • bulletSize – bullet width, height and border-radius in px
  • align – defines line and bullets position relative to content, also sets text-align
New branch
You've created new branch fix-notifications from master
2 hours ago
You've pushed 23 commits to fix-notifications branch
52 minutes ago
Pull request
You've submitted a pull request Fix incorrect notification message (#187)
34 minutes ago
Code review
Robert Gluesticker left a code review on your pull request
12 minutes ago
<Timeline active={1}>
{/* items */}

Bullet as React node

You can use any React node to replace default bullet:

Default bullet
Default bullet without anything
Timeline bullet as avatar image
Timeline bullet as icon
Timeline bullet as ThemeIcon component
// If you do not pass bullet prop, default bullet will be rendered
<Timeline.Item />
// You can use any react node as bullet, e.g. Avatar, ThemeIcon or any svg icon
bullet={<Avatar size={22} radius="xl" src="./avatar.png" />}
bullet={<SunIcon style={{ width: 14, height: 14 }} />}
gradient={{ from: 'lime', to: 'cyan' }}
<VideoIcon style={{ width: 14, height: 14 }} />
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