Source code

Mantine Notifications

Mantine notifications system


Package depends on react, react-dom, @mantine/hooks, @mantine/core and react-jss.

Install with npm:

npm install @mantine/notifications @mantine/core @mantine/hooks

Install with yarn:

yarn add @mantine/notifications @mantine/core @mantine/hooks



Wrap your application with NotificationsProvider. Important: if you use MantineProvider, NotificationsProvider must be placed inside:

import { NotificationsProvider } from '@mantine/notifications';
function YourApp() {
return (
<MantineProvider theme={yourTheme}>
<App />

Use use-notifications hook at any place in your application:

import React from 'react';
import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
function Demo() {
const notifications = useNotifications();
return (
<Group position="center">
onClick={() =>
title: 'Default notification',
message: 'Hey there, your code is awesome! 🤥',
Show notification

use-notifications hook

Hook returns object with properties:

  • notifications – list of notifications that are currently displayed
  • queue – list of notifications in queue
  • showNotification – adds given notification to notifications list or queue depending on current state and limit, returns notification id
  • updateNotification – updates notification with given id
  • hideNotification – removes notification with given id from notifications list and queue
  • clean – removes all notifications from notifications list and queue
  • cleanQueue – removes all notifications from queue
function useNotifications(): {
notifications: NotificationProps[];
queue: NotificationProps[];
showNotification(props: NotificationProps): string;
updateNotification(id: string, props: NotificationProps): void;
hideNotification(id: string): void;
clean(): void;
cleanQueue(): void;
interface NotificationProps {
id?: string;
color?: string;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
icon?: React.ReactNode;
title?: React.ReactNode;
loading?: boolean;
message: React.ReactNode;
autoClose?: boolean | number;
disallowClose?: boolean;
onClose?(props: NotificationProps): void;
onOpen?(props: NotificationProps): void;

Notification props

Notification state item can have these properties:

  • id – notification id, it is used to update adn remove notification, be default id generates randomly
  • disallowClose – removes close button, notification can be closed only programmatically
  • onClose – calls when notification is unmounted
  • onOpen – calls when notification is mounted
  • autoClose – defines timeout in ms on which notification will be automatically closed, use false to disable auto close
  • message – required notification body
  • color, icon, title, className, style, loading – props spread to Notification component

All properties except message are optional.

const notifications = useNotifications();
// Bare minimum – message is required for all notifications
notifications.showNotification({ message: 'Hello' });
// All possible notification props
const id = notifications.showNotification({
id: 'hello-there',
disallowClose: true,
onClose: () => console.log('unmounted'),
onOpen: () => console.log('mounted'),
autoClose: 5000,
title: "You've been compromised",
message: 'Leave the building immediately',
color: 'red',
icon: <Cross1Icon />,
className: 'my-notification-class',
style: { backgroundColor: 'red' },
loading: false,

Notifications preview (message prop used as children):


Notifications container position

NotificationsProvider renders notifications container with fixed position inside Portal. Position cannot be changed per notification.

<NotificationsProvider position="top-right" zIndex={2077}>
<YourApp />

Limit and queue

NotificationsProvider uses use-queue hook to manage state. You can limit maximum amount of notifications that can be displayed by setting limit prop on NotificationsProvider:

<NotificationsProvider limit={5}>
<YourApp />

All notifications added after limit was reached will be added into queue and displayed when notification from current state is closed.

import React from 'react';
import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
function Demo() {
const notifications = useNotifications();
return (
<Group position="center">
onClick={() => {
Array(10).fill(0).forEach((_, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {
title: `Notification ${index + 1}`,
message: 'Most notifications are added to queue',
}, 200 * index);
Show 10 notifications

Remove notifications from state and queue

To remove specific notification from state or queue use hideNotification handler:

const notifications = useNotifications();
const id = notifications.show({ message: 'Hello!' });

Use cleanQueue handler to remove all notifications that are not currently displayed and clean handler to remove all notifications from state and queue:

import React from 'react';
import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
function Demo() {
const notifications = useNotifications();
return (
<Group position="center">
onClick={() => {
.forEach((_, index) => {
title: `Notification ${index + 1}`,
message: 'Most notifications are added to queue',
autoClose: false,
Show 10 notifications
<Button variant="outline" color="gray" onClick={() => notifications.cleanQueue()}>
Clean queue
<Button variant="outline" color="red" onClick={() => notifications.clean()}>
Clean all

Update notification

showNotification handler returns notification id, you can use it to update notification:

import React from 'react';
import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
import { CheckIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';
function Demo() {
const notifications = useNotifications();
return (
<Group position="center">
onClick={() => {
const id = notifications.showNotification({
loading: true,
title: 'Loading your data',
message: 'Data will be loaded in 3 seconds, you cannot close this yet',
autoClose: false,
disallowClose: true,
setTimeout(() => {
notifications.updateNotification(id, {
color: 'teal',
title: 'Data was loaded',
'Notification will close in 2 seconds, you can close this notification now',
icon: <CheckIcon />,
autoClose: 2000,
}, 3000);
Show update notification

Auto close

You can configure auto close timeout in NotificationsProvider:

// All notifications will be closed automatically in 4000ms
<NotificationsProvider autoClose={4000}>
<YourApp />

Or in use-notifications hook handlers:

message: 'I will close in 500ms seconds',
autoClose: 500,
notifications.updateNotification('hello', {
id: 'hello',
message: 'I will never close',
autoClose: false,

showNotification and updateNotification have higher priority.

import React from 'react';
import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
import { CheckIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';
function Demo() {
const notifications = useNotifications();
return (
<Group position="center">
<Button variant="outline" onClick={() =>
notifications.showNotification({ message: 'I will close in 4 seconds' })
Notifications Provider timeout
<Button variant="outline" onClick={() =>
notifications.showNotification({ autoClose: 500, message: 'I will close in 500ms' })
Closes in 500ms
<Button variant="outline" onClick={() =>
color: 'blue',
title: 'I will never close',
message: 'unless you click X',
autoClose: false,
Never closes automatically

React node in notification message

You can render any react node in notification message, for example, input or button. Combine this option with other settings to achieve the desired behavior:

import React from 'react';
import { Group, Button, ActionIcon, TextInput } from '@mantine/core';
import { EnvelopeClosedIcon, PaperPlaneIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';
import { EnvelopeClosedIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';
function Demo() {
const notifications = useNotifications();
return (
<Group position="center">
leftIcon={<EnvelopeClosedIcon />}
onClick={() => {
const id = notifications.showNotification({
autoClose: false,
disallowClose: true,
title: 'Subscribe to email newsletter',
message: (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', paddingTop: 5 }}>
icon={<EnvelopeClosedIcon />}
placeholder="Enter your email"
style={{ flex: 1, marginRight: 15 }}
onClick={() => notifications.hideNotification(id)}
<PaperPlaneIcon />
Subscribe to email newsletter
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