Mantine Notifications
Package depends on react, react-dom, @mantine/hooks, @mantine/core and react-jss.
Install with npm:
npm install @mantine/notifications @mantine/core @mantine/hooks
Install with yarn:
yarn add @mantine/notifications @mantine/core @mantine/hooks
Wrap your application with NotificationsProvider. Important: if you use MantineProvider, NotificationsProvider must be placed inside:
import { NotificationsProvider } from '@mantine/notifications';function YourApp() {return (<MantineProvider theme={yourTheme}><NotificationsProvider><App /></NotificationsProvider></MantineProvider>);}
Use use-notifications hook at any place in your application:
import React from 'react';import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';function Demo() {const notifications = useNotifications();return (<Group position="center"><Buttonvariant="outline"onClick={() =>notifications.showNotification({title: 'Default notification',message: 'Hey there, your code is awesome! 🤥',})}>Show notification</Button></Group>);}
use-notifications hook
Hook returns object with properties:
- notifications – list of notifications that are currently displayed
- queue – list of notifications in queue
- showNotification – adds given notification to notifications list or queue depending on current state and limit, returns notification id
- updateNotification – updates notification with given id
- hideNotification – removes notification with given id from notifications list and queue
- clean – removes all notifications from notifications list and queue
- cleanQueue – removes all notifications from queue
function useNotifications(): {notifications: NotificationProps[];queue: NotificationProps[];showNotification(props: NotificationProps): string;updateNotification(id: string, props: NotificationProps): void;hideNotification(id: string): void;clean(): void;cleanQueue(): void;};interface NotificationProps {id?: string;color?: string;className?: string;style?: React.CSSProperties;icon?: React.ReactNode;title?: React.ReactNode;loading?: boolean;message: React.ReactNode;autoClose?: boolean | number;disallowClose?: boolean;onClose?(props: NotificationProps): void;onOpen?(props: NotificationProps): void;}
Notification props
Notification state item can have these properties:
- id – notification id, it is used to update adn remove notification, be default id generates randomly
- disallowClose – removes close button, notification can be closed only programmatically
- onClose – calls when notification is unmounted
- onOpen – calls when notification is mounted
- autoClose – defines timeout in ms on which notification will be automatically closed, use
to disable auto close - message – required notification body
- color, icon, title, className, style, loading – props spread to Notification component
All properties except message are optional.
const notifications = useNotifications();// Bare minimum – message is required for all notificationsnotifications.showNotification({ message: 'Hello' });// All possible notification propsconst id = notifications.showNotification({id: 'hello-there',disallowClose: true,onClose: () => console.log('unmounted'),onOpen: () => console.log('mounted'),autoClose: 5000,title: "You've been compromised",message: 'Leave the building immediately',color: 'red',icon: <Cross1Icon />,className: 'my-notification-class',style: { backgroundColor: 'red' },loading: false,});
Notifications preview (message prop used as children):
Notifications container position
NotificationsProvider renders notifications container with fixed position inside Portal. Position cannot be changed per notification.
<NotificationsProvider position="top-right" zIndex={2077}><YourApp /></NotificationsProvider>
Limit and queue
NotificationsProvider uses use-queue hook to manage state.
You can limit maximum amount of notifications that can be displayed by setting
prop on NotificationsProvider:
<NotificationsProvider limit={5}><YourApp /></NotificationsProvider>
All notifications added after limit was reached will be added into queue and displayed when notification from current state is closed.
import React from 'react';import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';function Demo() {const notifications = useNotifications();return (<Group position="center"><Buttonvariant="outline"onClick={() => {Array(10).fill(0).forEach((_, index) => {setTimeout(() => {notifications.showNotification({title: `Notification ${index + 1}`,message: 'Most notifications are added to queue',});}, 200 * index);});}}>Show 10 notifications</Button></Group>);}
Remove notifications from state and queue
To remove specific notification from state or queue use hideNotification
const notifications = useNotifications();const id ={ message: 'Hello!' });notifications.hideNotification(id);
Use cleanQueue
handler to remove all notifications that are not currently displayed and
handler to remove all notifications from state and queue:
import React from 'react';import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';function Demo() {const notifications = useNotifications();return (<Group position="center"><Buttonvariant="outline"onClick={() => {Array(10).fill(0).forEach((_, index) => {notifications.showNotification({title: `Notification ${index + 1}`,message: 'Most notifications are added to queue',autoClose: false,});});}}>Show 10 notifications</Button><Button variant="outline" color="gray" onClick={() => notifications.cleanQueue()}>Clean queue</Button><Button variant="outline" color="red" onClick={() => notifications.clean()}>Clean all</Button></Group>);}
Update notification
showNotification handler returns notification id, you can use it to update notification:
import React from 'react';import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';import { CheckIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';function Demo() {const notifications = useNotifications();return (<Group position="center"><Buttonvariant="outline"onClick={() => {const id = notifications.showNotification({loading: true,title: 'Loading your data',message: 'Data will be loaded in 3 seconds, you cannot close this yet',autoClose: false,disallowClose: true,});setTimeout(() => {notifications.updateNotification(id, {id,color: 'teal',title: 'Data was loaded',message:'Notification will close in 2 seconds, you can close this notification now',icon: <CheckIcon />,autoClose: 2000,});}, 3000);}}>Show update notification</Button></Group>);}
Auto close
You can configure auto close timeout in NotificationsProvider:
// All notifications will be closed automatically in 4000ms<NotificationsProvider autoClose={4000}><YourApp /></NotificationsProvider>
Or in use-notifications hook handlers:
notifications.showNotification({message: 'I will close in 500ms seconds',autoClose: 500,});notifications.updateNotification('hello', {id: 'hello',message: 'I will never close',autoClose: false,});
showNotification and updateNotification have higher priority.
import React from 'react';import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';import { CheckIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';function Demo() {const notifications = useNotifications();return (<Group position="center"><Button variant="outline" onClick={() =>notifications.showNotification({ message: 'I will close in 4 seconds' })}>Notifications Provider timeout</Button><Button variant="outline" onClick={() =>notifications.showNotification({ autoClose: 500, message: 'I will close in 500ms' })}>Closes in 500ms</Button><Button variant="outline" onClick={() =>notifications.showNotification({color: 'blue',title: 'I will never close',message: 'unless you click X',autoClose: false,})}>Never closes automatically</Button></Group>);}
React node in notification message
You can render any react node in notification message, for example, input or button. Combine this option with other settings to achieve the desired behavior:
import React from 'react';import { Group, Button, ActionIcon, TextInput } from '@mantine/core';import { EnvelopeClosedIcon, PaperPlaneIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';import { EnvelopeClosedIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';function Demo() {const notifications = useNotifications();return (<Group position="center"><Buttonvariant="outline"leftIcon={<EnvelopeClosedIcon />}onClick={() => {const id = notifications.showNotification({autoClose: false,disallowClose: true,title: 'Subscribe to email newsletter',message: (<><div style={{ display: 'flex', paddingTop: 5 }}><TextInputicon={<EnvelopeClosedIcon />}placeholder="Enter your email"style={{ flex: 1, marginRight: 15 }}/><ActionIcononClick={() => notifications.hideNotification(id)}size={36}color="blue"variant="filled"><PaperPlaneIcon /></ActionIcon></div></>),});}}>Subscribe to email newsletter</Button></Group>);}