
Capture time input from user


<TimeInput label="What time is it now?" />


import { useState } from 'react';
import { TimeInput } from '@mantine/dates';
function Demo() {
const [value, onChange] = useState(new Date());
return <TimeInput value={value} onChange={onChange} />;

With seconds

To add seconds set withSeconds prop:

<TimeInput label="What time is it now?" withSeconds />

Input props

Component supports all props from Input and InputWrapper components:

label="Pick time"

With icon

You can use any React node as icon:

<TimeInput icon={<ClockIcon />} />

Invalid state and error

It is not a valid time
// Error as boolean – red border color
<TimeInput error />
// Error as React node – red border color and message below input
<TimeInput error="It is not a valid time" />

Disabled state

<TimeInput disabled />

Get elementRef

You can get hours input ref with elementRef prop:

import { useRef } from 'react';
function Demo() {
const inputRef = useRef();
return <TimeInput elementRef={inputRef} />;

Server side rendering

Component uses use-id hook to generate unique ids and aria- attributes, provide static id prop to prevent props mismatch:

<TimeInput /> // -> random id generated both on client and server, props mismatch warning
<TimeInput id="my-time-input" /> // -> id is static, no mismatches


Provide hours, minutes and seconds labels to make inputs visible to screen reader:

<TimeInput hoursLabel="Hours" minutesLabel="Minutes" seconds="Seconds" />
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