Use tooltip to provide additional information for target element or component:
<Tooltipopenedlabel="Tooltip"withArrow><Button variant="outline" color="gray" size="xl">With tooltip</Button></Tooltip>
Position and placement
Tooltip position relative to target element is defined by:
- position – tooltip side – top, bottom, right or left, defaults to top
- placement – tooltip placement relative to position – start, center or end, defaults to center
- gutter – space between tooltip and target element in px, defaults to 5px
<Tooltip position="bottom" placement="end" gutter={10} />
All available positions and placements:
Tooltip arrow is controlled by:
- withArrow – set to true if arrow should be rendered
- arrowSize – arrow size in px, defaults to 4px
- position and placement – define arrow position (see previous example)
<Tooltip label="Default arrow" withArrow opened><Button variant="outline">Default arrow</Button></Tooltip><Tooltip label="Arrow with size" withArrow arrowSize={3} opened><Button variant="outline">With size</Button></Tooltip>
By default tooltip is displayed when mouse is over target element.
You can change this logic by setting opened
import React, { useState } from 'react';import { Tooltip, Button } from '@mantine/core';function Demo() {const [opened, setOpened] = useState(true);return (<Tooltip label="Ctrl + J" opened={opened}><Button variant="outline" onClick={() => setOpened((o) => !o)}>Toggle color scheme</Button></Tooltip>);}
By default tooltip white-space property is set to nowrap. To change that use:
- wrapLines – to enable line breaks
- width – to define tooltip width in px
Note that, multiline tooltips may require different transitions for better UX.
<TooltipwrapLineswidth={220}withArrowtransition="fade"transitionDuration={200}label="Use this button to save this information in your profile, after that you will be able to access it any time and share it via email."><Button variant="outline">Multiline tooltip</Button></Tooltip>
Change transition
Tooltip is built with Transition component.
You can change transitions with props:
- transition – predefined transition name or transition object
- transitionDuration – transition duration in ms, defaults to 100ms
- transitionTimingFunction – timing function, defaults to
<Tooltip transition="skew-up" transitionDuration={300} transitionTimingFunction="ease" />
All available predefined transitions demo:
Change color
You can choose any color defined in theme.colors:
Close delay
You can delay tooltip unmount on mouse leave with delay
prop: set delay in ms.
Delay defaults to 0 and reset if user hovers over target element before delay is expired:
<Tooltip label="Ctrl + J" delay={500}><Button variant="outline">Toggle color scheme</Button></Tooltip>
Allow pointer events
By defaults pointer events on tooltip are disabled to prevent animations collisions.
If you need to use interactive elements inside tooltip set allowPointerEvents
In this example tooltip acts more like popover – it is controlled and can be closed with control inside tooltip:
import React, { useState } from 'react';import { Cross1Icon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';import { Tooltip, Button, ActionIcon, Text, useMantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';function Demo() {const [opened, setOpened] = useState(true);const theme = useMantineTheme();const tooltip = (<div style={{ display: 'flex', marginRight: -5 }}><Textsize="xs"style={{ color: theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? theme.colors.dark[9] : theme.white }}>Use this button to save this information in your profile, after that you will be able toaccess it any time and share it via email.</Text><ActionIconstyle={{ marginLeft: 5, color: theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? : theme.white }}size="xs"onClick={() => setOpened(false)}><Cross1Icon style={{ width: 12, height: 12 }} /></ActionIcon></div>);return (<><Tooltiplabel={tooltip}opened={opened}allowPointerEventswithArrowwrapLinestransition="rotate-left"transitionDuration={250}width={220}gutter={theme.spacing.xs}><Button onClick={() => setOpened(false)}>Save to profile</Button></Tooltip>{!opened && (<Buttonvariant="link"color="gray"style={{ marginTop: theme.spacing.xs }}onClick={() => setOpened(true)}>Reopen tooltip</Button>)}</>);}
Get element ref
You can get both tooltip and root element refs with elementRef
and tooltipRef
Use it to customize behavior, for example, with use-click-outside hook.
import { useRef } from 'react';import { Tooltip } from '@mantine/core';function Demo() {const tooltipRef = useRef();const rootElementRef = useRef();return <Tooltip elementRef={rootElementRef} tooltipRef={tooltipRef} />;}
Do not place any important information in tooltip. Component is unmounted from the dom and is not visible to screen readers in default configuration.
If you want to make tooltip accessible use controlled variant, open tooltip on focus, provide tooltipId
and aria-describedby
import { useState } from 'react';import { Tooltip, Button } from '@mantine/core';function Demo() {const [opened, setOpened] = useState(false);return (<Tooltip opened={opened} label="Hidden knowledge" tooltipId="tooltip-id"><Buttonaria-describedby="tooltip-id"onFocus={() => setOpened(true)}onMouseEnter={() => setOpened(true)}onBlur={() => setOpened(false)}onMouseLeave={() => setOpened(false)}>I have tooltip</Button></Tooltip>);}