Use ColorSwatch to display color:
<ColorSwatch color="#c3c3c3" />
Example with default Mantine theme colors:
import { ColorSwatch, Group, useMantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';function Demo() {const theme = useMantineTheme();const swatches = Object.keys(theme.colors).map((color) => (<ColorSwatch key={color} color={theme.colors[color][6]} />));return (<Group position="center" spacing="xs">{swatches}</Group>);}
Alpha channel
Color swatch has checkers background – you can use it to show transparency in colors:
import { ColorSwatch, Group, useMantineTheme, hexToRgba } from '@mantine/core';function Demo() {const theme = useMantineTheme();const swatches = Object.keys(theme.colors).map((color) => (<ColorSwatch key={color} color={hexToRgba(theme.colors[color][6], 0.5)} />));return (<Group position="center" spacing="xs">{swatches}</Group>);}
Size and radius
ColorSwatch does not have predefined size values, use number to set width and height in px, radius has predefined xs, sm, md, lg, xl values from theme.radius:
<ColorSwatch size={50} /> // -> { width: 50, height: 50 }<ColorSwatch radius="lg" /> // -> theme predefined large radius<ColorSwatch radius={10} /> // -> { borderRadius: 10 }
Custom component
Use any component or element with ColorSwatch by setting component
import { useState } from 'react';import { CheckIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons';import { ColorSwatch, Group, useMantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';function Demo() {const theme = useMantineTheme();const [checked, setChecked] = useState(true);return (<Group position="center" spacing="xs"><ColorSwatch component="a" href="" color={[6]} /><ColorSwatchcomponent="button"color={theme.colors.grape[6]}onClick={() => setChecked((c) => !c)}style={{ color: '#fff', cursor: 'pointer' }}>{checked && <CheckIcon />}</ColorSwatch></Group>);}
Get element ref
You can get root element ref with elementRef
import { useRef } from 'react';import { ColorSwatch } from '@mantine/core';function Demo() {const ref = useRef();return <ColorSwatch elementRef={ref} />;}
You need to pass additional types to use custom component with TypeScript
in case you need full type coverage for events and elementRef
<ColorSwatch<'button', HTMLButtonElement>component="button"onClick={(event) => console.log(event)}elementRef={(node) => {window.myRef = node;}}/><ColorSwatch<typeof Link, HTMLAnchorElement>component={Link}onClick={(event) => console.log(event)}elementRef={(node) => {window.myRef = node;}}/>
Built by Vitaly Rtishchev and these awesome people