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Alternative to Select and RadioGroup


Use Chips as an inline alternative to RadioGroup and MultiSelect components:

<Chip value="react">React</Chip>
<Chip value="ng">Angular</Chip>
<Chip value="svelte">Svelte</Chip>
<Chip value="vue">Vue</Chip>


<Chips multiple value={['checked', 'checked-disabled']}>
<Chip value="default">Default</Chip>
<Chip value="checked">Checked</Chip>
<Chip value="checked-disabled" disabled>
Checked disabled


Set multiple prop to enable multiple chips selection:

// Single chip can be selected at a time (radio input)
<Chips>{/* <Chip /> components */}</Chips>
// Multiple chips can be selected at a time (checkbox input)
<Chips multiple>{/* <Chip /> components */}</Chips>


Since Chips component supports both single and multiple state you will need to adjust your state to match multiple prop:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Chips } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
// string value when multiple is false (default)
const [value, setValue] = useState('react');
return (
<Chips value={value} onChange={setValue}>
<Chip value="react">React</Chip>
<Chip value="ng">Angular</Chip>
<Chip value="svelte">Svelte</Chip>
<Chip value="vue">Vue</Chip>
function Demo() {
// array of strings value when multiple is true
const [value, setValue] = useState(['react']);
return (
<Chips value={value} onChange={setValue} multiple>
<Chip value="react">React</Chip>
<Chip value="ng">Angular</Chip>
<Chip value="svelte">Svelte</Chip>
<Chip value="vue">Vue</Chip>

Chip component

You can use Chip component outside of Chips:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { Chip } from '@mantine/core';
function Demo() {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false);
return (
<Chip value="chip" checked={checked} onChange={setChecked}>
Just a chip

Server side rendering

Both Chip and Chips component use use-id hook to generate unique ids to connect inputs with labels, provide static id prop to prevent props mismatch:

<Chips /> // random id generated both on client and server, props mismatch warning
<Chip /> // random id generated both on client and server, props mismatch warning
// -> id is static, no mismatches
<Chip id="my-chip" />
// -> id is static, no mismatches
<Chips id="my-chips-picker">
{/* It's not required to set id on Chip component when it is used inside Chips */}
<Chip value="react">React</Chip>


Chip and Chips components are accessible by default since they are built with native radio/checkbox inputs, all keyboard events works the same as with native controls.

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